Would you like to contribute educational material to our Meet the Specialist (MTS) section?
If the answer is yes, please email admin@gphq.com.au and let us know.
MTS articles are:
- Short, informative articles for GPs, provided by WA Specialists in their area of interest
- Promoted to GP users through our weekly newsletter
- Accessible through our homepage offering high exposure
- Added to your profile in our specialist directory, if you wish
- Popular with GPHQ users
- Flexible in format
- A fantastic way of connecting with local WA GPs
The format can be questions and answers, case studies (with clinical pearls/ discussion), video or a short clinical summary on a relevant topic
GPs can ask questions or leave comments for each article which you can then reply to.
If you would like to discuss a specific area that you think would be important to cover for GPs, please let us know. Otherwise, we are happy to suggest a topic.
Visit the MTS section for yourself and have a look at previous submissions from WA Specialists.